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Water Monitoring

Water Monitoring

Monitoring water quality for trends or to follow up on events. The extensive (bio)fouling resistance of Olpas sensors make them the best choice for use in remote open waters, combined sewer overflows (CSO) and sewer networks.

The Olpas Tentacle sensor range consists of a sensor with a cable to provide power and data transfer. The sensor can be deployed in stationary installations or on mobile platforms such as boats or buoys.

The sensor can be hanging freely or in a guiding tube to limit its freedom.

The data-cable provides power (solar, batteries or grid) and data connectivity.

A communication node can be provided to collect and store the data, and to send it to a dashboard at regular intervals.

Less drift and much longer maintenance windows

Due to the extensive fouling resistance of the OLPAS Technology and Olpas sensors, the Olpas Tentacle is the best economic choice for installation in a sewer or sewer overflows.Even without wipers or other automated mechanical cleaning, Olpas sensors provide maintenance windows that are 4 times longer compared to optical sensors (that do need wipers and mechanical cleaning!).

Thanks to the OLPAS technology, which has proven to be resistant to (bio)fouling in the most challenging environments (measuring in sludge dewatering, iron water, filtrate, sewers, WWTP-influent, etc), and sensors that are build with long maintenance intervals in mind, the Olpas Tentacle sensors provide a reliable measurement during multiple weeks or months with only minimal (or even none) maintenance.

Olpas has the only measurement technology that is optimised for reliable multiple-saison monitoring campaigns in sewers or Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) with only minimal maintenance.

The Olpas Tentacle sensor range has been developed with these applications in mind:

Monitoring in sewers and sewer overflows (combined storm water overflows - CSO)

Sensors in these locations are often hard to reach and to clean, making regular maintenance hard and expensive.

Thanks to the fouling resistance of Olpas sensors, much less maintenance is needed.

Monitoring sediment runoffs in canals and natural rivers

Monitoring sediment loads in open waters or canals, can provide important insight.

The fouling resistance of Olpas sensors, allows for much less maintenance (once per season is generally enough) and a measurement that is not impacted by drift.

Monitoring TSS in influent, in order to pro-actively adapt the WWTP

Protection against breakthrough of filters

Ensuring compliance with discharge standards

In open waters a once-per-season cleaning with a cloth is enough for a reliable measurement free of any drift.


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