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Polymer concentration in centrate

Monitoring the effectiveness of added polymers is a crucial aspect of the dewatering process.

Assessing residual polymers -which represent the polymers that haven't been used effectively and remain in the centrate- provides valuable insights into the overall effectiveness of the dewatering process.

Polymer concentration in centrate
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Polymers (flocculants and/or coagulants) in the dewatering process

Many wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) incorporate some sort of flocculants and/or coagulants in their processes, especially in the sludge dewatering phase where dewatering polymers are often used, often a combination of flocculant and coagulant.

Typically the final stage of the dewatering process involves the addition of dewatering polymers to the sludge before introducing it to the decanter, centrifuge or press.

The dosage of polymers is determined based on the mass flow of solids and often falls within the range of 10-20 kg of polymer per tonnen of dry solids, depending on specific circumstances.

Less polymer in centrate for a more economic measurement

Typically, the concentration of polymers in centrate or filtrate is in the range of 0-2.000 µg/L(*), while the dewatering processes operate most economically at 200-400 µg/L(*) of polymers in the centrate or filtrate.

The Olpas Polymer Concentration Measurement (PCM) system will be pre-calibrated with the correct parameters for this range. Offset and scaling are user-defined to match polymervariations or supplier diversity.

(*) Theses concentrations greatly vary per installation, type of sludge, type of polymers and process parameters. That's why an online measurement is do important!

Available Product-ranges

Polymer concentration in centrate (with screen and buttons)

Polymer concentration in centrate (with screen and buttons)

An easy to install small transducer (sensor) connected to a dataprocessor unit with a screen and buttons.  

Small 90 x 100mm sensor for easy installation.

Product Variations:

Product-range Code:


Polymer concentration in centrate (hot-tap transducer)

Polymer concentration in centrate (hot-tap transducer)

An easy to install transducer (sensor) connected to a dataprocessor unit with a screen and buttons.
Extended transducer (sensor) for easy maintenance with the Hot-Tap retractable.

Product Variations:

Product-range Code:


Polymer concentration in centrate (inline mounting, hot-tap transducer)

Polymer concentration in centrate (inline mounting, hot-tap transducer)

Factory callibrated sensor with Modbus interface. 

Extended transducer for easy installation and maintenance with Hot-Tap retractable.

Product Variations:

Product-range Code:


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