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Profit on the sludge thickening table (article in Aquarama), the Belgian trade journal for water technology, is celebrating its 100th issue this quarter with a “golden edition”! Congratulations! 🎉

Olpas once again conquered a prominent place in the magazine. Not only was there a report on our participation in the water management conference organised by Centexbel, but our project to optimise the thickening table (sludge dewatering) also received attention.

In the article, we show how Olpas sensors now also measure TSS in the incoming flow of the sludge thickening process, in an environment where fouling and precipitation can often disrupt the measurement.

Thanks to our innovative technology, we are able to expand the maintenance interval significantly longer compared to existing sensors (That’s a huge saving on OpEx). The maintenance is just wiping the sensor with a cloth, no automated wipers needed (another saving).

And that for a sensor that requires a lower investment compared to the most well known sensors in sludge dewatering!

The result: a reliable TSS-measurement of the ingoing sludge that allows your sludge thickening to be more efficient on energy and PE. With a sensor that saves on both OpEx and CapEx.

Or as Elise article title says: “Profit margin on the thickening table.”

(Most photos in the article are by Johan )


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